Monday 10 September 2012

US pizza restaurant owner gives Obama a lift

Obama bear hug
 United States President Barack Obama reputedly loves nothing more than a good old campaign trail hug – but he may have got more than he bargained for on Sunday.
Obama was lifted at least 30cm into the air in an intense bear hug by hulking pizza shop owner Scott Van Duzer, during a bus tour of Florida, Agence France Presse reports.
“Look at that!” the president said once the 113kg, 1.9-metre-tall registered Republican had deposited him back on terra firma.
“Man, are you a powerlifter or what?
“Scott, let me tell you, you are like the biggest pizza shop owner I’ve ever seen,” Obama said.
“If I eat your pizza will I look like that?”
Van Duzer, the owner of Big Apple Pizza and Pasta, later told reporters he had voted for Obama in 2008 and planned to do so again in November, despite being registered with the president’s rival Republican Party.
“I don’t vote party line, I vote who I feel comfortable with, and I do feel extremely comfortable with him,” Van Duzer said, adding he had been “just overcome with excitement,” and hoisted the president aloft.

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